Hi there,
Are you enjoying some good weather?
I am back home, and over here it is a perfect Spring day. Although I was not happy to leave Puglia, I feel very blessed to be back home. Over the last few months I realize even more how lucky we are to have a home, or a home country to return to, to feel safe and surrounded by family and friends.
Being at Casa Vita in April is always much fun. It is a beautiful time of year, everything is in bloom and the temperature is slowly rising. Just as the other years, we took our time to clean and freshen up the house and to add some interior objects. The last day before I left, I remembered I still had some velvet pinkish (more to the raspberry side) fabric I bought half a year ago. So I quickly made cushions and brought them over. How lucky! They were the same color as our two footstools.
Our sofa is dark brown leather. It can feel cold sometimes. So I put a cover on it, one I found on Zara Home on sale. Do you see the new cactus? We still had a pot left, and found a perfect one growing onto the stones in the brick wall. It wouldn’t have survived anyway, so we gave it a second chance. (To be honest, it was growing on Giovanni’s side of the wall, but I am sure he won’t mind).
For Christmas I got a few nice presents from the children, a chandelier and a decorative pineapple.
And I am still very happy with the antique closet we bought at an antique store in Ostuni last year. It fits nice in the kitchen.
Remember I asked for your advice last time I wrote about Casa Vita’s interior? I was looking for some rattan chairs back then. And look what we found.
This one is from Ikea
The cushion I had made and brought over last Summer. It matches well in the chair. What do you think?
In a local store we found a white rattan rocking chair. This one goes to the Claudia Cardinale room, where everything is white. A perfect spot to have a little nap when it is too cold or too hot outside.
While I love to restyle the interior, Hubbie is addicted to exploring the local plant stores.
We might buy and plant some palm trees one day. But this time we went for another cactus
The cactuses outside are also doing so well. See their little sprouts?
This little one was growing in the yard – no, not Giovanni’s – and Hubbie put it in a pot.
Since we are in the yard already, one thing that I just need to show you. It is thé proof of Spring! Can you tell? Hubbie hung the swing on the big olive tree. Just in front of the house. I was so happy it could hang there again, because last year they this olive tree had been cut (olive trees have to be pruned once in a few years) and one of the big branches, where the swing usually hung, was accidentally cut too. But Hubbie found a solution.
All Fermob furniture is from Homepage Interior
So now the pool still needs to be refilled (after gluing some mosaic tiles that came off) and Casa Vita is ready to welcome our first guests of the season: Ola Lindeza and her team! Her interior objects would fit perfectly well at Casa Vita. And now she will start a clothing line. Guess where the first fashion shoot will be? Right! I am so curious to see their photos. More on that next time!
Ideal to read or wander off in the last sun rays of the day
Have a great sunny day!
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