How are you all?
Started this year in good spirits?
I hope you and your family and friends are in good health! About a year ago I was still planning a job fair for newcomers, that in the end was cancelled due to Covid. Since then I have been working in a totally different area.
What’s up?
What am I up to? Still pretty busy with getting that business started. Which one? Renovating a house in Antwerp and turning it into a cosy place to stay. It was a long process getting things changed and finding all the furniture and decoration material.
Oldest and his girlfriend are living in the house and will start a B&B somewhere in Spring.
Renovating, a pleasure or a nightmare
Indeed, we have had some bad luck.
- the tiles fell of the walls in the bathrooms
- we had to hire a contractor to renew the bathrooms totally
- many leaks on all spots possible
- we started painting in the beginning, and had to restart anew after the works
- the wallpaper we ordered had different colors, solution: order at another company
Actually, nothing went right the first time.
But I enjoyed the decorating part, like choosing the tiles for the bathrooms and kitchen.
I made new curtains for the room at the second floor, dark green, it looks well. I am still looking for fabrics for the first floor. I was thinking of a velvet in terracotta or a pinkish color. What do you think?
But this will be another challenge, since the ceiling is over 3,5 meters high. This is on the planning the coming weeks. Luckily I have my ‘catsistants’ to help me in this chaos.
Musa, the name
The little yard has a tropical look, which we want to take into the house also. We have been moving the plants around, to find a perfect spot for each of them. Musa is the name for banana plant. It also means ‘Muse’, so yes, it is a hide-away, where you can find peace and inspiration.
You want to take a look?
Tropical vibes can be found throughout the house. But each floor has his own unique look. They aren’t totally finished yet, but here’s a sneak preview.
First floor
Second floor
The Studio
When to book?
Check our instagram, @Musa_Antwerp for the updates
We will open in April.
Love to see you in Antwerp soon,
Hi Sophie, dat wordt een erg leuke en gezellige plek om te verblijven!
Ik wens jullie véél succes ermee en neem de tip mee…
De zithoeken zijn zo schattig!!!!
lieve groet,
Dankjewel, Katrien, de zithoeken zijn inderdaad gezellig geworden!
groetjes, Sophie
Hallo Sophie,
Dit is een plek waar je tot rust kan komen.
Een oase in de drukke stad.
Je hebt je weer helemaal kunnen uitleven.
Iets moois komt altijd tot stand met vallen en opstaan.
Veel succes
Dag Silvia,
Dankje voor de mooie complimentjes! Het inrichten was inderdaad het leukste.
lieve groet, Sophie
Hey Sophie!
Het ziet er supermooi uit! Heerlijke plek en je hebt het bijzonder sfeervol ingericht met veel groen, prachtig!
Lieve groet, Rianne
Dankjewel voor je positieve feedback. Zo fijn om te horen dat je het mooi vindt!
groetjes, Sophie
Dat je smaak hebt en leuk weet in te richten, wisten we al, maar ik heb het afgelopen jaar vooral je doorzettingsvermogen bewonderd! En het loont! Knap gedaan hoor! Ik hoop dat jullie veel leuke mensen over de vloer mogen krijgen die Musa weten te waarderen! Veel succes! Liefs, Leen
Fijn om te horen Leen! We zijn er bijna
liefs, Sophie