Under the Puglian Sun. This is the name of the whats-app-group for my American friends and me. We created this to make it easy to communicate before, during and after our stay in Casa Vita. Before it didn’t really work because I was the only one who had installed whats-app, during wasn’t much use either, because in the house we were without internet most of the time (remember the broken wifi-antenna in the area?) and outside were the high roaming costs. But now we’re all back home and chatting about how lovely our vacation was. And how hard we are struggling to get back to reality…
It’s seems a little odd to use the word “friends” for people I only see once every few years or so. We live on another continent, speak a different language and there are many cultural differences. The last time I saw Jenny and Debbie was almost three years ago, and then merely for one evening. But nonetheless we are good friends. We have had some wonderful vacations together over the years, and I believe this is the best time to catch up, when you have time for endless conversations. We have time to discover that there are so many items that unite us: remembering those days when we met at Washington school, waiting for our sons, who were friends back then, full of endless energy and mischief. Being proud of the grown-up men they have become – something we were a little afraid of at some point, I honestly admit
Discussing relationships, the ones that lasted and the ones that didn’t make it, and putting all possible reasons under the psychological microscope. Analyzing our own characters, why some try to avoid confrontation and others are straightforward. We agreed upon the fact that the main reason lies in our different childhoods. Well, we aren’t the first to come up with this theory, right? None of us has a psychology degree, but we can all be therapists. Do you remember the quote: Friends are the best therapists? Wine is too… and we tasted plenty of excellent local wines during our week. In fact it’s possible we tried almost all of the wines in Puglia…
Laughter is a big part of friendship too, just continuing the silly jokes we laughed about so many years ago. Hilarious!
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