
Family time @ Casa Vita

Hello there,

Yes we are having quality time now. How wonderful it feels to be here all together.

Days are warm and slow. But we enjoy every bit of it.

Hubbie and I drove here, over Germany and Switzerland. We spent one day in Bologna. What a pretty university town! I loved all the galleries with their mixed stone floors (terrazzo before it became a hype).

And then from Bologna straight to Ostuni, another thousand kilometers. It was pretty hot back then, but the plants in the yard of Casa Vita were in great shape.

Wednesday we made a boat trip from Monopoli to Polignano a Mare. We went into some caves under the cliffs.

A walk through the streets of Monopoli.

Yesterday we went to the Ionic coast, on the other side of the heel in Puglia, south from Taranto.  You can find beautiful sandy beaches there. On this side, the Adriatic, we have a more rocky coastline, beautiful too. On our way up there, we stopped at Grottaglie, the city of the ceramics!

At the beach.

You know I always like to add little things to the house, to make it more cozy. This time we brought a rattan swing (no, that wasn’t a small thing). Hubbie hung it under the porch with some help from all of us 😉 It will surely become the most romantic spot of Casa Vita!

And do you want to know where I am writing right now? I am in my green corner in the living room–it was a bit rainy this afternoon–while I am getting a free refill of Gin Tonic by Daughter’s boyfriend (he is scoring!). Now it’s off to spread out the fresh pizza dough. Yes, pizza night! I will share the recipe again here.

Well, dolce far niente brings peace of mind, surely!

Ciao, Sophia





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  • Reply Katrien 13 July 2019 at 18:34

    Waw Sophie, de schommel is prachtig en staat perfect bij het huis. Goede keuze en luieren maar!
    Hopelijk hebben jullie genoten van de pizza’s en van het samenzijn.
    De foto’s van de bloemen zijn ook erg mooi, blijven doen he! 😉
    Lieve groet, Katrien

    • Reply Sophia 14 July 2019 at 10:17

      Dankjewel, Katrien, ja ga ik blijven doen!!! liefs, Sophie

  • Reply Sofie 14 July 2019 at 08:19


    • Reply Sophia 14 July 2019 at 10:18

      Mille grazie, Sofia! XXX

  • Reply Rianne 20 July 2019 at 17:13

    Wat een prachtige foto’s!
    De rieten schommelstoel past perfect in jullie huis en geeft nog meer sfeer!
    Fijn dat je zo genoten hebt van deze family holiday ❤️

    • Reply Sophia 22 July 2019 at 08:47

      Dankjewel, Rianne, inderdaad heerlijk met het gezin op pad.
      En ja, het rieten hangstoeltje heeft succes! XXX

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